1994年生于日本,目前生活工作于东京。2020年作为最年少艺术家获得福布斯30岁以下精英榜,同年选为日本文化厅杰出艺术家派遣纽约。她正于中国北京中央美术学院攻读博士学位。江上越先后获得多个奖项,包括日本文化厅杰出艺术家(2020)及第十六届千叶市艺术文化新人奖(2018)。她亦入围东京当代艺术基金会奖(2020)及亚洲独立艺术奖(Sovereign Asian Art Prize,2019)。2020年她被推荐参展日本艺术界的登龙门VOCA奖2020,在上野美术馆展出。VOCA奖以往1994年被推荐的艺术家村上隆、1997年的奈良美智、等等这些艺术家不但都成为了后来日本艺术界的领军人物,同时也蜚声国际。
江上越作品《擦肩而过的诱惑》168cm116cm 油画 EGAMI Etsu’s work “Temptation of brushing past” 168cm 116cm Oil Painting 江上越作品《擦肩而过的诱惑》EGAMI Etsu’s work “Temptation of brushing past” A new generation of post painting : EGAMI ETSUArtist EGAMI ETSU , a new generation painter who represents of “Post- painting” in Japan is also the finalist of this exhibition。 For example, Pompidou Art Center curator and Chiba Shigeo said in the international forum of Chiba Art Museum in Japan, “EGAMI Etsu‘s works are the two threads of painting:” abstraction and abstraction “, on the one hand, extract the essence of story; and on the other hand, modeling is an abstraction。 She paints at the same time on a new horizon。
As a young artist, Egami Etsu was born in Japan and studied in HFG University of Germany and Central Academy of fine arts in China。 She has rich overseas experience and explores the essence of communication through personal experience such as false listening and false seeing。 As the third generation of Japanese contemporary artists, they are deeply concerned。
She was born in Japan in 1994 and now works in Tokyo and Beijing。 In 2020, as the youngest artist, she won the Forbes China 30 under 30 as the youngest artist。 And in the same year, she was selected as the outstanding artist by Agency of cultural department Japan Government to send to New York。 She is studying for her doctorate at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, China。
Egami Etsu has won many awards, including the outstanding artist of Japan cultural agency (2020) and the 16th Chiba art and culture Newcomer Award (2018)。 She is also shortlisted for the Tokyo Contemporary Art Foundation Award (2020) and the Sovereign Asian Art Prize (2019)。
In 2020, she was recommended to participate in Japan‘s art world’s important VOCA 2020 award, which showed her work in Ueno-Royal Museum。 The artists recommended for the VOCA award, such as Takashi Murakami in 1994, Nara Yoshitomo in 1997, and so on, have not only become the leading figures in Japanese art scene, but also become well-known internationally。
Her exhibitions are held in international cities, such as London, Germany, Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei and Tokyo, and collected by art museums。
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