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江上越作品《擦肩而过的诱惑》168cm116cm 油画   EGAMI Etsu’s work “Temptation of brushing past” 168cm 116cm Oil Painting

  江上越作品《擦肩而过的诱惑》168cm116cm 油画   EGAMI Etsu’s work “Temptation of brushing past” 168cm 116cm Oil Painting

当代艺术基金会创始人前泽友作与艺术家江上越在她的作品前   Maezawa Yusaku founder of Contemporary Art Foundation and Egami Etsu in front of Egami’s work。

  当代艺术基金会创始人前泽友作与艺术家江上越在她的作品前   Maezawa Yusaku founder of Contemporary Art Foundation and Egami Etsu in front of Egami’s work。


  日本当代艺界挖掘新一代艺术家,一年一度举办的CAF奖入围展顺利开幕。CAF奖来源于Contemporary Art Foundation Foundation Award 即是公益财团法人当代艺术振兴财团。这个是由日本著名藏家前泽友作为理事的当代艺术基金会。前泽友作是日本服装电子商ZOZOTOWN的创始人,他喜爱艺术2012年创立了公益财团法人当代艺术振兴财团,2017年他用123亿日元收藏了一幅巴斯奎特的作品轰动了国际艺术市场。



  The annual CAF AWARD 2020 exhibition successfully opened。 CAF AWARD comes from the Contemporary Art Foundation Award, which is the corporate by Contemporary Art Foundation in Japan。 This is the contemporary art foundation, which is headed by the famous Japanese collector billionaire Yusaku Maezawa。 Yusaku Maezawa is the founder of zozotown, a Japanese fashion internet business。 He loves art。 In 2012, he founded the contemporary art foundation。

  In 2017, he collected a work of Basquet with 12.3 billion JPY, which made a sensation in the international art market。

  The judges of CAF AWARD 2020 are Japanese artist Kohei Nawa, director of Shiga Museum of modern art, Hosaka Kenjiro, chief editor of art Bitecho, Iwabuchi Tadamasa, and independent curator Kanazawa Kodama。



  展览中来到的嘉宾有公益财团法人当代艺术振兴财团理事长前泽友作,森美术馆名誉馆长南条史郎,Atalie企业家社长平山女士,大林建设会长收藏家大林刚郎,SMILES集团创始人收藏家远山正道,投资家收藏家川崎祐一,OKETACOLLECTION桶田收藏家族,收藏家白木聪,鸟屋书店TSUTAYA集团副社长山下和树,SCAI THE BATHHOUSE画廊创始人白石正美,白博堂,收藏家岩崎女士,Hillside Forum经理福田晓,环球唱片公司森淳一,EMS唱片公司董事手塚浩之,收藏家鬼头宏昌,福布斯日本主编,等多数媒体,出版社,藏家等日本艺术圈内人物。


  Under the pandemic situation, most of people came

  Under the pandemic situation, the exhibition adopted the reservation system。 What all people didn‘t expect was that there were too many booking people, the platform was paralyzed, and the majority of votes were increased。 According to the staff, this CAF AWARD 2020 is the most of people came in the past。 Under the epidemic situation, it is noticeable, which shows its influence in Japanese contemporary art scene。

  Among the guests in the exhibition are Yusaku Maezawa, founder of the contemporary art foundation, honorary director of Mori Museum of art Nanjo Fumio, Ms.Hirayama, founder of atalie, President of Obayashi construction, top collector Obayashi Takeo, founder of smile group, collector Toyama Masamichi, investor, collector Kawasaki Youyichi, OKETACOLLCTION family, collector Shiraki Satoshi, and Vice president of TSUTAYA Group Yamashita Kazuki, Founder of SCAI THE BATHHOUSE Gallery, Shiraishi Masami, collector Ms。 Iwasaki, Hakuhodo collector , Manager of hillside Forum Fukuta Akira, Director of Forbes JAPAN, Junichiro mori, director of universal music record japan, director of EMS record company Tezuka Hiroyuki, Collector Kito Hiromasa, collector, editor in chief of Forbes Japan, etc。

  Under the epidemic situation, the number of people coming to the exhibition did not slow down, and we can see contemporary art market in Japan are heated up now。 It was the largest in all previous years。 On the last day, the exhibition hall was packed with people。



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